The school follows the new CBSE guidelines for examinations and may vary as per boards instructions. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in India is a pivotal governmental body overseeing the education system, providing a comprehensive framework for numerous affiliated schools. Renowned for its student-centric approach, CBSE places a strong emphasis on holistic learning rather than rote memorization. Its examination system is renowned for its complexity, eschewing the mere regurgitation of textbook content in favor of a deeper understanding of subjects. This ethos encourages students to delve into the nuances of their studies, fostering critical thinking and intellectual growth.
Examination Rules
- The school follows CBSE board prescribed examination system.
- It is mandatory to maintain minimum 75% attendance for appearing in final examination as per CBSE norm.
- Students must attend all examinations conducted during an academic session for promotion.
- Clearance of all dues up to the month of examination is a prerequisite for appearing in an examination.
- Students must have admit card for entering into examination hall.
- Students must enter an examination room at least 15 minutes before the examination is due to start. No one will be allowed to enter examination room after the start of an examination. Students must not leave an exam hall before the end.
- Students must not possess any unauthorized materials including books; manuscripts; calculator; mobile phones; eatables etc. in the examination room. Only drinking water bottle is permitted.
- Every student must have his/her own pencil; pen; ruler; eraser; sharpener and permitted geometrical instruments.
- Malpractice in any form will result in cancellation of paper.
- There is no provision of re-examination except (only for Half Yearly and Annual Examination) in case of serious Medical reason supported by proper document submitted within 2 days. The re-examination fee will be changed at the rate of Rs. 150/-per paper.
- Students must secure minimum 33% marks. It is mandatory for students to pass in both theory as well as practical paper for promotion.
- Decision of the school with regards to promotion will be binding on all.
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