- The use of rough/ uncivilized language will not be tolerated whether it is directed at academic staff, students or support staff.
- Students must greet staff and visitors politely.
- Students must respect and obey the school prefects
- Students must walk at a sensible pace around the school and must not run in corridors or use these areas for any form of play or foolishness.
- Students must respect each other and any form of bullying whether physical, verbal or mental will be dealt severely.
- School students’ council is responsible for maintaining school discipline and execution of various duties.
- Students are required to cooperate with the student’s council and follow the instruction given by the prefect on duty.
- Students who physically harm another student will be suspended/ rusticated from school.
- Students must respect school property. Furniture must not be damaged or written upon.
- Students noticing any damage to the school must report this immediately to the teacher or house parent.
- Students must not display overt signs of affection towards teacher, student or any employee.
- Litter must be placed in the waste-paper bins which are provided in class and around the school.
- Students should pick up litter when they see it.
- Bullying is strictly prohibited.
BULLYING is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend them. Bullying can be in the form of Physical bullying: hitting, kicking, theft.
VERBAL BULLYING: Name calling, racist remarks. A severe disciplinary action will be taken against any student noticed or reported bullying another student. This can also result in suspension/ rustication from the school)
- The students are expected to complete their day to day class work/ assignments / home work and submit them to the concerned teacher on time. Students must not copy from one another. If they do, they will be asked to repeat the work in an academic detention.
- All work should be presented neatly and with legible handwriting.
- Those who fall behind in their work will be given an Academic Detention.
- Students must return to school after any vacation at the dates and times given in the school calendar.
- Textbooks must not be written on or mistreated. Exercise books must be kept neat and tidy.
- Students must never use unfair means during the conduct of tests and examinations. The defaulters will be dealt severely and their assessment will be negatively affected with a deduction of 25% marks.
- All work should be presented neatly with legible handwriting.
- Students who fail to complete their routine work on time may also be put under academic detention
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